Dripping Faucet by Kelly Sajonia

Topic: Warning Signs


Drip. . .Drip.

Drip. . .Drip. . .Drip.

A faucet leak starts slow, building in frequency over time. In some instances the person living with the leak can hear the noise. For others, the repetitious sound begins to fade.

Sadly, I am the latter, choosing to silence the noise in my head instead of facing the issue. Here’s what it sounds like when I listen:


Dishonest. . .Angry.

Disloyal. . .Insecure. . .Conditionally Loves.

Warning signs, like the constant sound of a dripping faucet, will lead to greater destruction if left ignored. I learned this difficult lesson in my life. Silencing my intuition became an art form over the years. I would initially acknowledge the warning signs, but their presence would become an inconvenient truth; it was easier to just ignore the sound.

At 41, I finally began to listen. At first I would hear the noise and acknowledge it, but was slow to react.

Now my reaction time has improved and my hearing is sharper. I have discovered I am happier, breathing easier, and enjoying relationships more. I finally recognize there is only room for the relationships that positively add to my life, while the ones with warning signs need to be sloughed off.

For me, listening to the recurrent sounds and taking action has led to greater peace in my life.

I am happy as a result.

Photo Credit

11 Responses to “Dripping Faucet by Kelly Sajonia”
  1. Lance says:

    Amazing what a metpahor can do for our 41-year-old minds, huh?

    lovely piece

  2. Mona Andrei says:

    Hey there! Good for your for learning how to tune into that inner faucet! Although old habits really do die hard, the more you make an effort to pay attention, the faster this becomes your new habit 🙂

  3. Jen Hurowitz says:

    I love this! What a great metaphor! “I finally recognize there is only room for the relationships that positively add to my life, while the ones with warning signs need to be sloughed off.” I think everyone can take something from that line. Very wise, and something I very much needed to read. Great post!

  4. Great piece. The sounds of your “drips” was such a powerful thought. Thank you for sharing this.

  5. I’m a believer in that old view that there are two types of people ‘Radiators and Drains’. This fits exactly to what you say about the ‘drip drip drip’ warning signs of bad relationships. I’d add the warning sign of a ‘bad smell’ of ‘a drain’. Great blog and well written. You have a lovely poetic style to your writing; a style people used to call ‘poetry in prose’.

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